

Life is a bitch, but so is karma
Revenge is sweet, but it only brings drama
An eye for an eye makes the world blind
We take 2 steps forward and 3 behind
Without vision, revenge we’ll try to find
But we won’t get it, even if the stars are aligned
Life is a bitch, but so is karma
Revenge is sweet, but it only creates trauma

 Karma can be heavy, but so is life
My cuts are deep and I didn’t even use a knife
An eye for an eye makes for a fair fight
Why do we live in a world filled with spite?
The sun is oh so big, and oh so bright
But darkness fallows us and shuts off our light
Karma can be heavy, but so is life
My cuts are deep because Earth is full of strife

 Karma is a vicious cycle, but it gives balance
Our constant interference only adds imbalance
Every action we take comes with weight
We tend to forget that we eat from the same plate
Life would be easier if we learned to wait
But we are only humans and we can’t escape fate
Karma is a vicious cycle, but it gives balance
Our constant interference makes us unbalanced

I’ve only lived for 20 years but I’ve seen, tasted, and experienced the hardships of this planet. It makes me wonder if it’s natural or our entire fault. Maybe it’s nature’s way of adding balance to our imbalance. Or nature’s way of teaching us a lesson. Or this is nature returning the weight that we add on her. Whatever the case may be, love seems like a thing of the past and hate is a thing of tomorrow. We think we killing each other, but we only killing ourselves mentally, physically, and spirituality. I’m optimistic for a better tomorrow, but it gets hard to believe when everyone is up each other’s throat. I guess the lesson from this is to learn to forgive. You are my other me, and I am your other you. So even if I hurt you, I’ll have to carry your weight. So even if you hurt me, you’ll have to carry my weight. So let’s do each other a favor, and not be blinded or else we’ll lose track of our fate…

©Nixon Callejas

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